Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Expanding and Diversifying Your Company

Expanding and Diversifying Your Company

By: James Webb

Many businesses consider expanding their service area and/or diversifying their services, products, or both. It is easier and more effective to start with small changes you would like to see such as entering a small area in a new territory, adding a minor component to your service, or some median between the two. Think about what your offerings have that separate them from the rest of the items in the markets and consider how this can be applied to your plans for expansion and/or diversification.

Expanding your service area is a good way to increase your customer base and learn new methods to improve your offerings. Before you decide to move into a new territory look at what products are being offered in that area and consider whether your service is better or different enough to be able to compete with the current products being sold. Additional factors to consider are shipping and marketing. The process will also help in identifying or reevaluating your core competencies.

Diversifying your service or product is a good way to maintain and increase your market share. The first step is to brainstorm ideas on how you want to change your offerings. After brainstorming ideas for making changes to your product compare your ideas with what changes other offerings have made and determine if your ideas are different enough or better to be competitive with the other products. If your ideas for changes are not competitive or better others then brainstorm again. This process will help identify or reevaluate what you are offering and what you want to offer.

Find out more on how to expand and or diversify your company by contacting Scroggins Consulting at info@scrogginsconsulting.com.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


By: Marian Claville
Some days are tough. Others days are easier, but some days are just downright tough. Those tough days are those days when it not only seems like everyone is against you it feels like they all got together planned, plotted, and properly executed strategies to assault your character and worth. Those tough days are the days you question your own purpose, intelligence, and worth. On the outside you present a fortified front to your attackers, but on the inside you are hugging yourself crying. On tough days you simply want to give up and fall in line and become a follower--- after all that’s what tough days are designed for.
Today, for me, was a tough day. I was told I was not good enough or smart enough to complete certain tasks. I was asked repeatedly if I understood certain notions that would be evident to a toddler. My attackers stood and watched for a response to their attacks with the same anticipation like playground bullies waiting to pounce on seemingly weaker targets. Although their intentions may seem vicious, it is the root causes of their actions that are the unlikely bedfellows to the motivated, passionate, and driven individual. Those causes are jealousy, envy, self-hate, and simply “hurt people, hurt people.”
When you see someone who delights in the discontent and misery of others they themselves lack self-esteem. They are unhappy with their lives and hate to see that you have vision and passion. When people try to belittle you by mentioning their degrees and achievements remember that is probably all they have. They see you with depth, character, and a plan and begin to hate. It is not that they hate you, they hate what they don’t have—courage, respect, confidence, true friends, and love. The misery of their minds explodes at that thought of you and delight when they think of new ways to bring you down. Secretly, they wish they were you or they think, ‘I don’t see why he or she is so special’ so they make it their business to make sure you feel un-special in their presence and conversation. They want you to crack, but being firm is so much better.
To keep yourself on track and out of jail try the following:
• Remember hurt people hurt people.
• Keep up a solid front never let them see you sweat.
• Encourage yourself by any means necessary.
• Vent to a trusted friend or family member.
• Learn your true value and respect yourself.
• Stay damn true to yourself.
• Go to your secret place and pray to God for strength, wisdom, peace, and patience.
Tough days are called tough days for a reason….they aren’t easy, but you can either use your tough day as a reason to quit or you can use it as motivation. For me quitting is not an option, so tomorrow here I come dammit ;-). When tough days come in general life or business, remember to stay true to yourself and stay focused on your dreams. Nothing worth having comes without some tough days.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Planning Management - component and comprehension

PLAN - Any procedure used to achieve an objective
STRATEGY - A plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal
MANAGEMENT - Simply the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives

Now take these words and treat them like a sandwich = Plan / Strategy / Management

Now you have the term "Planning Management". Planning Management is a procedure that has a strategy core that allows the management of people, places and elements that are all structured together to achieve or realize a desired goal or objective. Planning Management is taking your "this is what I desire to do and what can I do to accomplish it" and transforming it into "This is how it will be done". To plan can be viewed as an art or as a science, depending on what length will you take it to. An artform would be to structure it in a way that everything flow ever so smoothly and in scienceform, each milestone and component should deliver the desired output (production) and desired outcome (behavior). When planning management becomes successful, then the goal or objective is achieved with precision.

Planning Management has four components that comprise of its foundation and core. The Materials (what you need), The Strategy (establishing role and delivery of each part, The Timeline (when will each and the whole be done), and The Execution (the right time and follow through to activate) All of these element put together deliver streamlining to realize your idea or thought within a nutshell and one cannot function without the other.

Let take a look at something very simple: Planning a Barbecue
Materials - food to cook, eating and handling utensils, cleaning supplies, grill, containers, chairs and tables

Strategy - when to cook food, management of guests, what should be cooked in order, containers to put food in, when to invite guests, how many chairs and tables

Timeline - cook food by this time, set up by this time, shut down at this time etc

Execution - taking all three and deciding when to follow through!

Sounds easy right? How many people actually think like this? The answer is so many that they do not even realize it. We are smarter than we give ourselves credit for and 90% of the time, we can get things accomplished the way we think that they should come to pass. The example above varies from person to person, but they all work the same way. So what about on a business level? How can planning management work for you? A Scroggins Management Consultant may be able to answer that question so do not hesitate to inquire about how planning management can deliver the output that you desire.

The customer - learn its behavior

On my way to work today, it was about 8:30 or so and I was on my way to run an errand downtown. I started the car and heard something on the radio that piqued my interest. It was a radio ad about foreclosed homes. I heard this add before many times and finally, something in me desired to know more about the product. So I dialed the number and sure enough, I had a customer representative answer. I attempted to answer my first question, she proceeded to ask me my information. I am a nice guy to give her all of that, so "she could look what homes are in my area" because I was thinking this could give me more insight. So then she gets to the part about paying $1.99 for shipping and handling of a list of foreclosed homes and enrollment in a website with the same information for a thirty day trial (for those of you who know where Im going, then kudos to you for customer skills management). So I say to her once that before I do this, I must consult with my wife on this matter to see if it's feasible. She goes on to tell me that "what do you have to consult on $1.99 for?" This was the first red flag. I then give her the reason and she says afterwards, "Mr. Simpson, it's only $1.99, I mean that is a very small amount of money" I tell her that I really would like to talk to my wife first and the response to that was, "Mr. Simpson, you can cancel this offer at anytime, but I suggest you try it first, after all it's only $1.99" Finally, I just gave in to the fact that it was only $1.99 and proceeded to give my financial information for the payment. After I got off of the phone, I thought about that whole exchange and called again and demanded my money back, because I just became "another pressured sale" and on top of that, the new rep wanted to sell me 3 more subscriptions. Already irritated, I just simply said in a nice way to stop selling me stuff before you get a response that you may not like.

That story leads me to this point - if someone just wants to ask a question then let them do just that. If they do not want to buy from you than you should not pressure them to, even though you have to make a "so-called" quota. Why? believe it or not, your customer can fire you and perform that action in a number of ways but it can be avoided.

The first way is to ask and answer strategy. This allows the opening for dialogging to manifest. If a customer walks into your store, they have it in their minds that they are thinking (or even attempting) to purchase something from there they want or need. Watch the customer's motions, movements and pathway. If they go towards a certain product, then you ask them about what interests them in that product. For example if they give you a response, "Just looking" then you respond by asking them, "well what are you looking for". In English, you turned the statement from declarative to interrogative that quickly (or a response to a question) if they start conversing with you, then that is when you become subservient to their needs or desires. They know that you are going to get paid and they are going to get what they want. Win-Win situation.

Next thing is to study the customer's words. Learn their structure of words (sentencing) carefully when you listen. If the customer says anything about learning, than become a teacher, where you control the information flow. If that customer sounds vague, then they are looking for leadership. If that customer says that they want to "just look", thats also a cry for leadership. "While you are looking, why don't you take a look at this featured product or service that we offer" Words are powerful and if you take control of the listener, than you will exemplify that knowledge is power.

Customer service management is a crucial part of professional development, so if you do want ways to study your customer, why not visit Scroggins to see the different techniques, methodology and practices we offer to cultivate your customer service management.


What do your neighbors need

Every company that you see today started out with answering a simple question, what do my neighbors need (or what are my neighbor's needs). Whether it is to manage your neighbors money or just simply cutting their grass, all businesses start out with presenting the simplest product or providing the simplest service and that grows substantially, earning billions of dollars for "solving the neighbor's problem"

So what about the business who are not in the multi-billion, multi-million, or even multi-thousand status? Why are most companies that attempt to answer the same question does not achieve the same results? The answer to this question is Research - knowing who, what, when, where, why, and how. Giving constant attention to your desire to deliver and solve and your neighbor's desire to have their problem solved. The median that is the key to success in entrepreneurship. If you know your habitat, inhabitant, and environment, than you have a pretty good chance of establishing a successful business venture.

Knowing everything about your neighbor (called demographics) is the key start. You may want to ask "why are they having trouble" and "How could I make their life easier" and maybe their is no apparent problems and you may just want to ask, "How could I benefit the customer even more than what they already have" Knowing who your customer is by grouping or identifying which group has which members takes the direction into. As an entrepreneur and in today's economy, you have to know how to get the customer to loosen that grip on the wallet or pocket book.

Demographics is not hard to obtain, but with survey management, data management, and / or general field research, you will almost always bring you closer to your goal. To help you research a bit deeper, please contact one of our consultants in research management to get all the information you need

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Welcome to the Scroggins Bloggins

Hello all and welcome to "The SCROGGINS BLOGGINS"

Ever had a business idea, but do not know how to put it into words? Ever had an issue and you want to solve it but do not know the route to take or what tools to use? Ever wanted to join a company, but do not want to go through the same old "competing for the job" routine?

I could go on and on but do not want to waste time posing questions. That's what I want you to do.

The Scroggins Bloggins, a blog created by Scroggins Consulting, LLC, allows people to express their feelings on innovative business ideas, engaging everyday business challenges, posing new questions on how to achieve success, and even joining our ever growing consulting family. Our founder and current CEO, Tiya Scroggins is a person that desires to solve problems and not put people through ridiculous fees and unrealistic time frames in order to do so. She is an entrepreneur with a vision, which is to develop visions and businesses realize their full potential. We would love to hear what you have to say, whether it's about your current job situation, wanting to start a business, or to simply voice your concern about the economy, we want to hear from you. The Scrog Blog is an area where freedom form and equality are key assets to development and we never limit what is being brought from the table.

Unlike other consultants, who use buzzwords, recycled strategies, and perfect time-waste, Scroggins Consultants desire to be innovative within being realistic and being on the right time. We know every need, every desire, every client is different and we "use a new pad" so to speak when reaching your objective. Scroggins offers Management, Organization and Solutions from its diverse group of services that come from consultants that want to succeed and believe that it does not take a million to make a thousand. We want to meet (and sometimes exceed) the results to assist businesses in their endeavors. We go the extra mile make it better because when we make you better, then we become better.

Whether its to expand your business, solve your problem, engage your challenge, alleviate your concerns or to simply listen what you have to say - Scroggins Consulting will be there to "develop your vision"

Leroy Simpson III
Business Developer and Chief Administrative Officer
Scroggins Consulting, LLC
Phone: 800-531-5831 x 303

Monday, October 12, 2009

Yeah, It's about that time

What does it take to make it in this economy? Can we depend on the "traditional business" to provide us with income during these turbulent times? Where companies can dispense employees when and however they want whether you worked 20 years or 2 days, you can go at the thought of a decision. What can you do you prepare yourself to continue to work in an economy like this?

First of all, look at your self-worth. Go back and look at your resume' and look at all of the accomplishments that you made. Then compare it to the average position of what companies desire (hint: desired qualifications) and see if you meet or exceed them. If you do, than you are worth more that what the company is asking for and should be compensated accordingly. I learned this actually while attending church in California by the sermon preached by Floyd Flake at Greater St. Stephen. He preached on knowing your "self-worth", what you are worth, what you accomplished, what you are capable of, what are you talents, and finally what do you think of yourself. Once you take a look at all those things, then take a look at what you really want to do with your life. An interest that you have always wanted to pursue but could never manage to take the path towards it. Did you want to become a motivational speaker and open up a non-profit? or did you want to become an artist to share your works within the world? or did you want to open up a restaurant and bar and share your gift of cooking with your neighbors and friends? The things that your heart is in but could never get to because you had to "survive" all this time with your current job. The one that you put forth so much effort and time they are willing to get rid of you with no problem at all. Maybe it's time to take the initiative to realize that interest and pursue it to its fullest potential. It's ok to dream but even better to live it. Find out how it's done by contacting info@scrogginsconsulting.com

Leroy Simpson III, M.A. - develop your vision>

If you are a small to mid-size business that wants to improve or solve a problem, what would that problem or improvement be?